KODA Bots Implements Virtual Assistants for a leading TV broadcaster in Poland

Traffic on VoD services has been increasing in recent weeks, and the number of new subscribers is also growing. How to provide technical support for all of them and answer questions 24 hours a day? Virtual assistants, Julia and Radek, created by KODA Bots to support the users of Player and TVN24 GO will come to the rescue.
– Player.pl is a mine of the best entertainment, and TVN24 GO is a source of reliable information. Both platforms are very popular among users which translates into the need for quick customer service. An effective response to doubts on the part of viewers has always been a priority for us. What’s more, from the beginning, we have focused on implementing state-of-the-art solutions. The introduction of chatbots to support users – in cooperation with KODA Bots – was, for us, a natural step in our development. This way, we can respond more effectively to the needs of our audience – says Grzegorz Przywara, Customer Care Director of player.pl.
Player.pl and TVN24 GO chatbots, created in the KODA Bots’ Automation Communication System, appear as Julia and Radek. Both virtual assistants immediately provide key information about services, regardless of the time of day. They answer all questions related to the library and operation of both platforms, technical issues regarding the account and payments. They react to possible errors and provide appropriate tips and recommendations on how to deal with them.
The solution speeds up and facilitates contact with clients, and relieves consultants of performing repetitive tasks. Julia and Radek respond to questions received via Facebook Messenger. In March, as much as 93 % of conversations were handled by them alone, without the involvement of a consultant.
Mariusz Pełechaty, CEO of KODA Bots, emphasizes that the effectiveness of automated processes depends on an in-depth analysis of recurring questions or the language of expression.
– We spent many hours understanding users’ expectations. On this basis, we’ve created chatbots that immediately provide them with the information they need, while maintaining the communication standards adopted at TVN Discovery Polska.
Mariusz Pełechaty
TVN Discovery Poland is a leading TV broadcaster in Poland, a part of Discovery, Inc. Currently, TVN’s portfolio includes 24 TV channels, including public stations and a selection of paid channels- factual, lifestyle, news, sports and movie stations. The company also offers a wide range of online products, including Player.pl – one of the most engaging Polish OTT services, as well as Eurosport Player offering the best sporting events online, both live and on-demand. The broadcaster belongs to the TVN Agency – offering the most comprehensive services in the production and distribution of information materials in Central and Eastern Europe and TVN Media – one of the leading advertising brokerage offices in Poland. TVN has established a strategic partnership with the CANAL + Group, the operator of the leading digital platform in Poland.