Insightland joins Plus972Cares Initiative

to help businesses in COVID-19 recovery
Co-Founders of Insightland, an international SEO company, join Plus972Cares specialists that aid businesses in recovery from the pandemic. Thus, Insightland becomes the third company from the Hexe Capital Group, next to KODA Bots and Hexe Data, to engage in the initiative launched by Plus972.
Our partner, a US creative agency, Plus972, has brought together a group of specialists from all over the world. We are honored to share that Katarzyna Iwanich, Co-Founder of Insightland, and Irena Zobniów, Co-Founder and Head of SEO at Insightland, will provide advice in the areas of search engine positioning, insightful content strategies and business. They will transform their vast experience into SEO measures that drive business online growth.