KODA Bots summarized the Successful Year!

The beginning of the new year is not only a time to plan what lies ahead. But also to summarize what we have achieved so far. Mariusz Pełechaty, CEO of KODA Bots, evaluated the past year of the company for “Mam Startup”.
It has been a busy year for KODA Bots. A technology company from Hexe Capital’s portfolio implemented 40+ solutions using chatbots and voice solutions for enterprise clients from various industries. The solutions related to communication automation in: customer service, recruitment of employees, onboarding, internal communication, marketing, sales, etc. Their clients include big brands such as Santander Consumer Bank, TVN Discovery Polska, Jeronimo Martins, Accor Hotels, Benefit Systems, TravelPlanet.pl, UNIQA, Wrocław Airport and many others.
Mariusz pointed out the impressive results of the solutions implemented in 2019. Through the year, the companies that have used KODA Bots’ technology for the first time:
- exchanged nearly 15 million messages with users,
- reduced the number of telephones and emails directed to internal departments from 38% to 54%, only during the first 12 weeks,
- achieved an open rate of messages sent by popular communicators level of 95-100%, and CTR between 32% and 68%,
- they interpreted up to 90% of questions sent to chatbots, and in 60% of the cases, their answers were comprehensive for users.
In the article Mariusz also points out improvements made in the author’s Automated Communication Management Software and reveals plans for the upcoming year.
We are a strong company, ready for the next, demanding challenges. We have a great year behind us, full of experience from working for leaders in their industries.
– he concludes.
Read the whole article in Polish: https://mamstartup.pl/podsumowanie-2019-roku-koda-bots